Chinaannounces South China Sea military exercises
BEIJING (AP) — China is closing off a partof the South China Sea for military exercises this week, the government saidMonday, days after an international tribunal ruled against Beijing's claim toownership of virtually the entire strategic waterway.
Hainan's maritime administration said anarea southeast of the island province would be closed from Monday to Thursday,but gave no details about the nature of the exercises. The navy and DefenseMinistry had no immediate comment.
Peace4Asia 53 minutes ago
The international court ruling hasconfirmed the illegitimacy of China's claims of the SCS, totally torn its9-dash map into pieces and served as the global rallying cry for law and order.Unless China can come with a ruling in its favor from an entity higher than thePCA, its aggressiveness in the SCS only shows its immenseterritorial/imperialistic greed and lawless/thuggish behaviors andgalvanize/unite the world to fight for global justice. The ruling gives thelegitimacy to U.S. freedom of navigation patrols in the SCS, and any violentChinese responses will be dealt with in kind many times more ferociously. Chinacan bully VN, Philippines and other smaller countries, but not the mighty USA.
matt 23 minutes ago
Can we stop allowing china to play thesegames and just check them already. ?
Zelph 31 minutes ago
Will Mr Duterte turn away the US presenceand side with the Chinese?
Will he exchange for a treaty or analliance with China by submitting to China claims of the South China Sea?
Will Vietnam and the rest of the claimantschoose to be a bystander while their claims are being taken? < br /> Willthere be any ASEAN left?
I got no idea but I pray for peace...
daiyan 52 minutes ago
Yes, after messing up Iraq,Afghanistan,Libya, Ukraine, Europe, let's mess up Asia. South China sea wouldbe a good start. Let's mess up the world so U.S. can look good. Wait, don't wehave racial problem where white police is killing blacks and vice versa? So wemust create more trouble to the world so we don't look that bad! Let'sencourage Philippine to pay for a fake tribunal & make a ruling and we canuse to mess them up. Oh, it is now the laughing stock of the world? That's ok.We have nothing to do with it. It is all done by the stupid Philippinos.
Paco 1 hour ago
I didn't think I would, but actually I'mgrowing bored of these South China Sea news. Just bring it on already. I thinkthe American navy can make us feel proud this time. I wish my country'sgovernment had enough courage to get involved and tell China what we all think aboutthem.
/> Of course that won't happen becausethey are rats afraid of getting into problems that they don't know how tosolve. At least we didn't support China's claims.
Timur 1 hour ago
US will not get directly involved in majormilitary conflicts now, not in Syria, with N Korea, or in Ukraine. The lasttime US involved was with 4th rate nations. Of course US would want every elseparticipate so it can sell weapons and exert control.
Where Are Those Nanjing Killer 1 hour ago
9 US lawyers make a new rule for allNations, and this ruling have nothing to do with UN and ICJ, the medias arecontinued report 1/2 fact story. Who need such Free Press.
IJN 2 hours ago
The Chinese are going to accidentally starta fight they can't possibly win.
greg 2 hours ago
China is deliberately escalating tensionsin the south China sea and damaging regional security. There actions are acalculated to the global community
Jason 28 minutes ago
Silly China. Everyone (even Rissia) knowsthere's only one Super Power.
Noly 2 hours ago
Why humans never lean?.
Dub Richardson 30 minutes ago
It's about time they started flexing! plus;China's island development has not inflamed regional tensions, the US have!just like it has through out the civilized world..
tex 29 minutes ago
your words reflect your imperialisticgreediness and lawlessness.
Ziggy 1 hour ago
An easier way to stop China ...Destroytheir economy...They have about 300 million rich and the rest are poor...about1 Billion...and the poor are not happy and hard to the WEST canjust stop buying anything they make and stop exporting raw material to them.Simple....Their economy will implode and they will have a civil war...